Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today (Wednesday) was not good...

For a number of seemingly small reasons that had a tendency to build and build like a damn pyramid...
1. Je n'ai pas obtenu de voir mon conseiller, la personne la plus importante au monde en ce moment. J'ai attendu vingt minutes et il n'etait pas n'importe ou.
2. Un ami a voulu me voir mais il etait deja assez tard. Il ne laisserait pas vers le haut ainsi j'ai du continuer a le rejecter a plusieurs reprises. Maintenant il est triste. (Calme vers le blas, mon appartement eset malpropre et j'ai eu une longue journee. Ne la prenez pas personnellement. Et il m'a juste dit que je semble toujours etonnant.)
3. I left sound class around 2 (while editing a Scott Pilgrim trailer) due to a gnarly head/neck ache and went home to eat and hurried back to class to take a final quiz.
4. Car incidents I never take lightly. Anything relating to my dear Honda Civic is taken with all seriousness. So, in the parking garage, when a lady (in her smirking Prius) and I were parked so close I could not open my door, she honked at me and asked, "How will you open your door?" Causing me to back up and repark it. When I started walking to school, I could feel my brain pushing against my skull like it wanted to jump out and stab itself. I was pretty heavy with rage by then so I had to compose myself before I got to class.
5. I kept thinking the garage guards would question me about my fob since I use it to get in yet I park on the visitor level because I don't live in that building anymore. They stared daggers at me just like I thought everyone else did today.
6. I saw He Who Must Not Be Named pulling out of the parking garage, showered and shaven, but immediately looked at my feet. I am in no state to act like everything is fine.
7. Je ne pense toujours pas ma maman comprend que je suis juste comme me suis inquiete d'obtenir un travail pendant qu'elle est. N'est-il pas mon souci du travail a ce sujet? En repetant ces soucis a plusaieurs reprises a moi soyez la pulpart de temps cauchemardesque pour entendre. Vraiment, il y a seulement tant d'heures pendant le jour. Me propres pensees sont assez psychotiques, je ne pensent pas que je peux manipuler beaucoup plus sans se developper en spirales.
8. I can't decide what to wear for graduation.... Yes, I worry about it.
9. Last week I impaled my heel and now my foot has a painful bump.

There you have it.

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