So guess what? Yesterday I spent 6 hours editing my midterm "Juno" cut. 6 hours! I'm quite proud considering the amount of concentration that took and never would've made it so good in a roaring class screaming things at each other (especially Richard squealing, "You know what, Nick? I don't give a shit."). I'll see if I can try to post it on the blog so you guys can watch it. I wasn't actually on set for it (I was working on our Green Mile one at the time), so I did the picture edit and sound mixing. That's right. Every footstep, every rustle, every gust of wind was created by yours truly. Since the footsteps (there are about 700 to choose from) come in a long sequence, I had to go in and separate each individual one and place them at the drop of a foot. I'd seen too many midterms get laughed at because the footsteps were clearly off yet so loud. I refuse to have funny footsteps when they should barely be noticed!
Moving on, I ate that sandwich at 8 am and was starving again by 2. Off to the vending machines, as much as it pained me. Of course, I put in money for a small bag of mini Chips Ahoy! because those things are so darn good. Lo and behold, it fell and landed just above the drop box. Shit! I reached in and tried to pull it down but it didn't work. I gave up, still battling a ravenous tummy that seemed almost suicidal if I didn't feed it soon. I was also extremely thirsty, so I grabbed a Dasani and Sprite instead. The sugar and fizz was enough to take my mind off eating.
I finally left at 5:45 (after having been there since 12) and headed straight to Baja Fresh for my shrimp burrito that I so craved. This resulted in me realizing I forget my laptop on the chair once I reached the parking lot (Baja is located under my apartment building, thankfully) and hurried back as fast as my feet would take me. Phew! it was still there. Burritos are distracting.
Once home, Roomie2 had her parents and baby sister in town (such nice, moral people) so they left to go explore Hollywood while I sat at the counter eating my fat, hot package of Mexican love (why, what do you call it?). Fast forward 15 minutes later and I was slowly loosing consciousness to a bout of nausea. Lord, I haven't felt that nauseas since, well, the last time I regurgitated into the toilet. So I walked into Roomie's bathroom and leaned on the counter with my mouth covered till it passed. I'm guessing this is because I scarfed the thing down on a very empty stomach, yes?
At some point, SF texted me to say he was at the elevators and just as I stepped out into the hall to retrieve him, I came face to face with him. "Slow poke," he smiled. First we watched Ugly Americans on my big Mac in my room with the pan of sticky, chewy, crusty brownies that had great taste (I don't know what Roomie2 was talking about when she said they were "weird"). Then I dragged him (literally, on the floor) out of the chair to Roomie2's room where he turned on the PS2 so I could play colossus. Whoo more colossi! Fist pump! He watched Adult Swim on my laptop with headphones while I battled a ginormous catfish/hairy snake in a pond, and then spent another 15 minutes trying to find the location of the next colossi, which was a horrible lizard thing that shot fire at me with its mouth and whacked me like a bitch with its tail. Quit!
Once Roomie2 and her gang returned, SF asked if I wanted to go with him to get the best pizza on the planet since he hadn't eaten dinner. Um, duh.
We got in my car and started driving. After a long parking ordeal, we finally found a spot on the far side of the Gelson's parking lot (where the parking inspector man couldn't see us) and walked across the street to a series of restaurants and books stores and theatre clubs, all in a line, crammed onto one block. We walked into Prizzi's, which was very quaint and authentic looking, like, you know, these Italians don't fuck around, and this made me excited. I didn't order anything after that damn burrito, so I stuck with water and had a sip of SF's light Italian beer called Peroni. Like a strong champagne. He ordered the pesto pizza with chicken, provolone, and artichoke hearts (my fav) and, when it came not 10 minutes later, the waiter cut us each a piece from the plate, and SF leaned forward to watch me eat my first bite of chicken in a over a year (did I mention I was vegan before a few weeks ago? No? Okay, well, I was.). It was good. My brain was still a little anti-poultry so I couldn't fully enjoy it, but it was quite a mouthful. The provolone was thick and stringy and white and the pesto tasted just like it should and the artichoke was chunky and hiding under the cheese. I ate my piece with a fork and knife so I could pick more easily. Oh, and, the check? $28. For one regular pizza. I looked at the prices written on the check and, of course, the basil pesto was $13. Ah, that's what got us. And probably the beer. And the fact that we were breathing in their AC unit.
SF asked if I wanted to sleep at his place since neither of us were up for trudging back to mine, and as long as I was going to do that, I let it be known that I didn't like the way we slept with our separate bodies. "Ah, so you want a cuddle buddy." "Yes." Thank heavens that was so easy.
And, as promised, sleeping was much more enjoyable with his arm draped over me like it used to be.
I actually didn't want to wake up this morning considering I finally fell into a deep sleep. It was lovely. So I laid there as he got dressed and shook me awake. As for the hug, it happened outside, after he told me he would be driving his car to school. I gave him a face and then said, "Oh!" Huh. Just before we parted to go to our cars, we hugged and he picked me up. Yeah, it was a pick up hug, my favorite. And it made my morning seem a lot brighter.
I expected to go to the Grove with Friend today. Hooray for awesome malls!
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